21 Oct

A CNC Rectifieuse (Grinding Machine) also addressed as CNC grinder, is an automatically operated machine. This machine is in charge of refining the surface finishes on the final product, which are made of metals, by eliminating the materials from the work pieces with the help of grinding wheels.
To commence with, grinding is one of the machining procedures that eliminate the materials by turning the grinding wheels as they come in contact with the surface of the work pieces, rather than directly cutting through them with the actual cutters.

A grinding machine comprises of a spindle head that holds the work pieces in position, with the grinding wheels grinding the work pieces from the front or the lateral sides, to accomplish a wide assortment of configuration on the products, which range from stepping, tapering, profiling, grooving or chamfering etc. on the external and internal radius or diameter of the work pieces.

Speaking of accuracy, the equipment should be maneuvered by the CNC system. The CNC system refers to the computerized numerical control system, which uses the computerized technology to encompass the designing of the products and the controlling of the operation.

With the automatic operation that carries out the specific works by following the preset instructions that are programmed to be numerals, the CNC Rectifieuse (Grinding Machine) can create the blandest surface finishes on the products that are ground, lessen deformation on the products and enhance the effectiveness of the grinding procedures for the manufacturers.

What type of CNC grinding machines is available out there?

Depending on the necessary geometries of the grinding products, there are various types of CNC grinding equipments that are specialized in different kinds of grinding methods or grinding different parts on the products, including:

•    Double-sided fine grinders

This type grinds the work pieces on both the sides simultaneously. These grinders are equipped with the lower and upper plates or disc, which carry out the grinding works on the bottom and top respectively.
•    Centre hole grinders

As the name entails, this grinder types are used to grind the existing center holes on the products, so that the grinding wheels are specifically designed as conical shapes, which enables them to be fit into the holes of the products.

What can a CNC grinding machine accomplish in the finishes of the products?

As per our knowledge, there are various types of grinding equipment that are available for being applied to accomplish the different needs of the manufacturers, and these accomplishments can be classified into some perspectives based on the direction of grinding the grinding components and the grinding geometries.

•    Grinding geometries

Through the changed grinding methods and tools on the various types of grinders, more grinding geometries can be accomplished, including grooves, profiles, chamfers, tapers and steps.

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